Grzegorz Żur
Software Engineer
SSH Host Key Validation with JSch Library
EPAM Systems
2020-09 ‒ now
Wrocław, Poland
Lead Software Engineer
- Developed a web application front end for processing payments.
- Maintained and enhanced multiple applications.
- Trained developers on front-end technologies.
- Investigated complex problems.
Foreach Software
2017-09 ‒ 2020-08
Wrocław, Poland
Software Engineer
- Developed and maintained multiple web stores.
- Investigated complex problems.
- Handled critical situations.
2015-05 ‒ 2017-08
Wrocław, Poland
Software Developer and Team Leader
- Designed and delivered an Extract-Transform-Load engine.
- Designed and delivered a scriptable automation engine.
- Applied Constraint Satisfaction Problem algorithm to minimize codebase and effort.
- Led a development team.
2014-01 ‒ 2015-04
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Software Developer
- Developed websites with a content management system.
- Consulted customers and partners.
- Maintained content management system software.
2012-08 ‒ 2013-12
Wrocław, Poland
Software Developer
- Worked on financial reporting applications.
- Designed and developed a scriptable Extract-Transform-Load module.
2010-05 ‒ 2012-07
Wrocław, Poland
partially remotely
Programmer and Analyst
- Worked on multiple web applications.
- Developed a web store.
- Ported an application from Unix to Linux.
2007-09 ‒ 2010-04
Wrocław, Poland
Software Developer and Team Leader
- Worked on multiple web applications.
- Introduced build and continuous integration tools in two projects.
- Led a development team.
2007-02 ‒ 2007-08
Wrocław, Poland
Software Development Specialist
- Worked for Nokia Siemens Networks telecommunication company.
- Designed and developed a component to access server-side data.
- Maintained a component of a network planning application.
University of Wrocław
2001 ‒ 2007
Wrocław, Poland
Master of Computer Science
Graduated with a Master of Computer Science degree at the faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
University of Paderborn
2005 ‒ 2006
Paderborn, Germany
Exchange student
Socrates/Erasmus exchange student at the faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics.